Filters ================= Creating a filter ##################### Example:: f = bq.newFilter() Options ########## Filters are used in accordance with the Basiq API's capabilities. Filter objects can have any amount of conditionals: - equal to (eq) - between (bt) - greater than (gt) - greater than or equal to (gteq) - less than (lt) - less than or equal to (lteq) Equal to (eq) ****************** Example:: f.eq("","s55bf3") Between (bt) *************** Values are inclusive Example::"transaction.postDate","2017-09-28","2018-01-30") Greater than (gt) ********************* Example::"transaction.postDate","2017-09-28") Greater than or equal to (gteq) ********************************** Example:: f.gteq("transaction.postDate","2017-09-28") Less than (lt) **************** Example::"transaction.postDate","2017-09-28") Less than or equal to (lteq) **************** Example:: f.lteq("transaction.postDate","2017-09-28") Usage ########### Add to any get methods. Example usage:: # Passed as parameter to getAccounts method accounts = usr.getAccounts(f)